Tips for Road Tripping with Your Dog

Now that Memorial Day has come and gone, summer is officially here. For a lot of people, summer = road trips. But more and more pet owners are deciding to take their dogs on the road with them. So before you stuff the trunk to the brim and fill up the gas tank, keep in mind these tips for road tripping with your dog.

Pack All Your Dog’s Essentials

Don’t forget about your four-legged pal while packing. You’ll need everything your dog uses daily plus any extras he or she might enjoy. Make a list and be sure to include food, treats, bowls (for food and water), toys, a leash, and poop bags.

Use a Harness or Crate

Letting your dog roam the car as you drive is not a good idea. Not only can this be distracting, but if there’s an accident, your dog will most likely get seriously hurt or possibly even killed. Invest in a travel crate (if your car’s big enough and if your dog is small to medium-sized) or a harness if you have a larger dog.

Stop Often

No one wants to spend hours on the road, but when you’re traveling with a dog, it’s best to stop for breaks more than you normally would. After all, your pooch probably isn’t used to being cooped up in a car for long periods of time. Try to stop every two hours to let your dog stretch, sniff, and do business.

Stop at Dog-Friendly Businesses

The business world is embracing pet owners and their dogs, and it’s a wonderful thing. Bring Fido is a fantastic website filled with listings of dog-friendly hotels, restaurants, activities, and events. Look up restaurants, activities, and dog parks on the way to your destination for fun places to stop for both you and your dog.

Don’t Forget the Dog First-Aid Kit

You never know what’s going to happen on the road, so you should always keep a dog first-aid kit in your car in case of emergencies. Not sure what to include? Check out my my post, What to Put in Your Dog First-Aid Kit.

Follow these tips and traveling with your dog will be fun and rewarding!

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