Tips for Dog Walking During Monsoon Season

Ah, monsoon season. That fantastic time in Phoenix from July to September when dust, thunder, and lightning can appear anytime from 4-10pm. I used to love monsoon season. Watching the storms roll in, sitting at the window and taking pictures of the dark clouds and lightning. Jumping with terror and awe as thunder rumbled right above my head. Then I adopted Socks, my Aussie/Border Collie who hates loud noises.

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Socks is not a fan of monsoons. This isn’t a problem if a monsoon strikes during the day. But it is a problem if the monsoon decides to strike at night when I need to take him on a second walk. If you have a dog who hates storms like Socks does, read on for some tips on how to walk your dog during monsoon season.

Wait the Monsoon Out

Monsoons tend to build up in the afternoon then roll in right around dinner time. There’s typically wind, dust, thunder, and lightning for a brief period before the storm moves on. In these cases, just wait until the monsoon passes and take your dog on a later walk.

Beat the Monsoon

If you pay attention, sometimes you can beat the monsoon. This has happened a few times with me and Socks when I’ve noticed dark clouds starting to build in the distance right before dinner. I’ll quickly leash him up and walk him around the block. This technique is a bit tricky, however, as monsoons can move in fast. Pay very close attention to what’s happening weather-wise while you’re walking and if you notice clouds getting closer or start seeing lightning and hearing thunder, turn around and run home (me and Socks have had to do this a few times).

Be Careful

Walking your dog in severe weather is not a good idea, but if you end up caught in a storm, do not panic, especially if your pup is already freaking out. If thunder and lightning take you by surprise, find shelter in the doorway of a house (if you’re walking in a neighborhood, of course). Be sure not to stand under or close to any trees and wait the storm out.

Don’t Use Force

Socks will not go for a walk if there’s even the slightest bit of thunder in the distance. I can’t blame him, but it is frustrating for me when I can see a monsoon has passed and the thunder’s far away. I don’t push him, though. I wait until there’s no thunder at all, lead him outside, let him hear for himself that it’s safe now, and then he’ll relax and let me walk him.

Monsoon season can be a dangerous time to walk your dog but not if you follow these tips!

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