Things That Annoy Me As a Dog Owner

Now that I’m a dog owner, I notice a lot more things about the world in regards to dogs and most of these things annoy me. They include:

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People Who Leave Food on the Sidewalk and Road

Pretty much every time I walk Socks he finds some kind of food on the sidewalk or road. Chips, fries, burgers, cheese…we’ve seen it all and he’s tried to eat it all. Luckily, he listens when I tell him “leave it” and has yet to eat anything toxic. But a friend of mine’s dog ate some raisins in a park one day and had to have emergency surgery, so I get really annoyed when people just dump their food without thinking about the consequences.

People Who Leave Broken Beer Bottles on the Sidewalk and Road

This is just terrible. Thankfully Socks hasn’t had any shards pierce his paws because I pay careful attention to where we walk, but sometimes I don’t see the clear bottles until the last second and I’m always worried Socks is going to hurt himself.

People Who Don’t Leash Their Dogs

Some people in my neighborhood let their dogs roam the front yard sans leash. I’ve even seen some people walking their dogs sans leash. It’s great if you trust your dog enough to not leash them, but I don’t know your dog and I don’t know what your dog is going to do.

People Who “Walk” Their Dogs on Bikes

First of all, it’s unsafe. In fact, a guy in my neighborhood hurt himself because he was “bike-walking” his dog, the dog saw another dog, took off, and the guy fell over into the street. Second of all, a dog trotting alongside a bike doesn’t have a chance to stop and smell and do business which is the whole point of a walk.

People Who Don’t Pick Up Their Dogs’ Poop

Bringing a poop bag on a walk is not difficult and neither is picking up poop when your dog produces. Yet there’s so much dog poop everywhere. The mind boggles.

People Who Make Their Dogs Ride in the Bed of Trucks

Terrifying. I’ve been driving and seen dogs in the back of trucks not harnessed down. If that car were to get in an accident, that dog would be dead. Or if the dog decided to jump out while the car was going 45 mph it would be dead. Bad, bad idea.

So there you have it, all the things that annoy me as a dog owner. What things annoy you?