So You Want to Adopt an Australian Shepherd

I’ve written two guest posts about what life with a Border Collie is like (Tips for Life with a Border Collie and 8 Things You Should Know If You Want to Adopt a Border Collie). But Socks is also part Aussie. So today I thought I’d share what life is like with an Australian Shepherd.

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They’re Active Dogs

This doesn’t mean they need to be stimulated all day every day. But they do need long walks to get most of that energy out. Socks gets a long walk in the morning (usually an hour to an hour and a half) and a half hour walk in the evening. This helps him (and me) sleep well during the night.

They Need to Be Groomed

If you’re looking for a dog that doesn’t shed a lot, do not adopt an Aussie. They have double coats and typically need to be brushed every day (although I cheat and brush Socks a few times a week). And even if you keep up an intense brushing schedule, you’ll still see clumps of hair when your Aussie’s second coat comes in twice a year.

They Love Their Family

Socks is a very loyal and protective dog. He loves being close to me and although he’s never thrilled when I leave the house without him, he’s always happy when I come home.

They’re Agile

Socks’ leaping and jumping skills are insane. I’ve seen him clear a coffee table and couch easily. Aussies do well in agility competitions, although I have yet to train Socks in this area.

They Will Herd You

Just like Border Collies, Aussies have a strong herding instinct and you’ll need to accept that this is just a part of who they are. I used to try and get Socks to stop herding me but now, when I see that gleam in his eye and he starts nipping at my heels, I just stay still and wait for him to calm down.

Australian Shepherds are wonderful dogs and I highly recommend one if you’re looking for a new furry pal to add to your family!

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