Javelina Encounters

I live close to the desert and in the neighborhoods I walk Socks I’ve encountered plenty of coyotes. Javelina encounters are a little more rare for us, however. I’m very happy about that because javelina are much more scary than coyotes. Nothing gets your heart pounding like being chased by a javelina, am I right?

How to Have a Happy Trip to the Vet

Most dogs hate going to the vet. My family’s previous two dogs, Misty and Patch, were not big fans but I got lucky with Socks. He adores going in the car and since I’ve only had him for two and a half years, he actually hasn’t gone to the vet that much. But he’s usually …

Advantages of Walking Your Dog (That You Never Realized)

This isn’t going to be the typical ‘5 Reasons Why You Should Walk Your Dog’ post filled with things you already know, such as ‘your dog needs exercise’ (duh), ‘you need exercise’ (double duh), and ‘you don’t want a backyard filled with poop’ (triple duh). While I was walking Socks the other day, I started …

10 Interesting Facts About Australian Shepherds

My dog Socks is a Border Collie/Aussie mix. Before I adopted him, I knew nothing about Australian Shepherds. After I’d had him a while, I decided it might help if I researched Aussies and got to know their quirks so I could understand Socks better. Here are 10 facts I learned about Australian Shepherds.

Tips for Driving Your Dog

Before I had Socks, all three of my family’s dogs were not great car riders. Cleo, our first dog, was nervous in the car. Misty, our second dog, hated going in the car (and I can’t really blame her since pretty much the only times we put her in the car were when she had …

Socks’ Favorite Things

I wouldn’t call Socks picky. He adores walks, food, and playing (in that order). But, like all dog lovers, I always like hearing what other dogs enjoy, so here is a list of Socks’ favorite things.

Dogs and Allergies

Before Socks, my family owned three dogs. One of them, Misty (picture below), lived for 15 years. The first seven years we had her, she was a perfectly normal dog with a medium coat who only shedded sometimes and itched occasionally. Then, one spring, she started itching constantly. And licking herself. And itching. And licking. …